Improving Blood Pressure Control in Multispecialty Medical Group Practices
Friday, November 1, 2024
Driving Digital Quality

Improving performance for the HEDIS Controlling Blood Pressure measure can be challenging in large, multispecialty medical group practices. For multispecialty medical groups to succeed in quality measures that consider all patient appointments, it is essential to engage both specialty and primary care clinics. Involving the entire clinic operation is critical to success.
After completing workflow assessments and data analysis, Warren Clinic developed a comprehensive plan to improve blood pressure control that addressed staff learning needs, engaged providers and offered meaningful staff incentives. As a result, performance on the measure improved by 13.2% (covering 56,000 patients).
You Will Learn:

  • The comprehensive plan developed by Warren Clinic to improve blood pressure control
  • How addressing staff learning needs and engaging providers can drive improvement
  • The role of meaningful staff incentives and workflow redesign for better outcomes
  • The importance of engaging both specialty and primary care clinics in quality measures
  • Practical tools and processes for improving performance on the Controlling Blood Pressure HEDIS measure
  • Insights and lessons learned from the Warren Clinic's experience
Claudette Greenway, RN, MBA, CPHQ