Meet the Expert: Leading and Partnering With a State Medicaid Agency to Innovate Toward Value
Friday, November 1, 2024

State Medicaid agencies are laboratories of change in health care value and innovation. Learning to innovate, implement and iterate (or partner with) your state Medicaid agency can be a great recipe for positive impact. This session will review lessons learned from TennCare’s most innovative programs: How to leverage funding, design programs, build coalitions to support the work and utilize the levers of a Medicaid agency to fuel ongoing quality improvement.

This session features Dr. Victor Wu, TennCare Chief Medical Officer, and senior leaders from TennCare’s team whose areas of program innovation include:

·        Value Based Primary Care Transformation: Using PCMH as a foundation for innovation to achieve the triple aim.

·        Health Starts: TennCare’s efforts to tackle health-related social needs and build workforce capacity.

·        TennCare Diaper Program: TennCare’s first in nation effort to provide diapers to children under 2.

Other key topics include:

  • Shaping narratives to garner support for innovation with policymakers.
  • Identifying pathways and processes for funding innovation.
  • Building coalitions with stakeholders to implement new programs.

Join the TennCare leadership team for this interactive session. Bring your own stories and successes to share!


Victor Wu, MD, MPH – Chief Medical Officer, TennCare

Karly Campbell, MPP – Chief Quality Officer, TennCare

Becca Robinson, MPH – Medical Office Director of Strategy, TennCare

Anna Chandler, RN, MBA – Primary Care Quality Director, TennCare

Victor Wu, MD, MPH