State Medicaid agencies are laboratories of change in health care value and innovation. Learning to innovate, implement and iterate (or partner with) your state Medicaid agency can be a great recipe for positive impact. This session will review lessons learned from TennCare’s most innovative programs: How to leverage funding, design programs, build coalitions to support the work and utilize the levers of a Medicaid agency to fuel ongoing quality improvement.
This session features Dr. Victor Wu, TennCare Chief Medical Officer, and senior leaders from TennCare’s team whose areas of program innovation include:
· Value Based Primary Care Transformation: Using PCMH as a foundation for innovation to achieve the triple aim.
· Health Starts: TennCare’s efforts to tackle health-related social needs and build workforce capacity.
· TennCare Diaper Program: TennCare’s first in nation effort to provide diapers to children under 2.
Other key topics include:
- Shaping narratives to garner support for innovation with policymakers.
- Identifying pathways and processes for funding innovation.
- Building coalitions with stakeholders to implement new programs.
Join the TennCare leadership team for this interactive session. Bring your own stories and successes to share!
Victor Wu, MD, MPH – Chief Medical Officer, TennCare
Karly Campbell, MPP – Chief Quality Officer, TennCare
Becca Robinson, MPH – Medical Office Director of Strategy, TennCare
Anna Chandler, RN, MBA – Primary Care Quality Director, TennCare