Collaborative Care s an evidence based model of care for individuals with common mental health conditions identified in primary care, and provides organizations, practices, and providers with a system that ensures comprehensive care for patients with behavioral health needs. The model is supported by CMS with dedicated CPT codes, to identify and treat individuals with behavioral health conditions in healthcare settings.
This workshop will provide in depth information on the Collaborative Care model as well as best practices for broad scale implementation , outcome measures and best practices. Collaborative Care is a measurement based, treat to target population health approach that can address behavioral health access needs, expand evidence based treatments for patients with behavioral health conditions and support healthcare providers. Collaborative Care is supported by over 100 randomized controlled trials and has been recognized by commercial plans as well as Medicaid in more than half of the states. This workshop will explain Collaborative Care billing, coding and best practices for revenue enhancement. Collaborative Care can assist with behavioral health workforce shortages . This workshop will cover the roles in Collaborative Care as well as staffing opportunities and considerations.