Optimizing Type 1 Diabetes Care: Staging, Screening, and Treatment Innovations
Saturday, November 2, 2024
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Quality Conversations
Location Name
Tennessee Ballroom AB

Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is not a typical chronic condition—its progressive nature and roots to autoimmune diseases--require a nuanced approach to care. With an emphasis on early screening and staging, this fireside chat will cover current treatment guidelines and explore strategies to enhance the quality of care at every stage. Attendees will learn how proactive screening and staging can lead to better patient outcomes; helping to preserve function, prevent complications and improve life for individuals living with T1D. Uncover actionable steps that can transform patient pathways and drive better care in T1D management. 


Made possible through the generous support of our Diamond Sponsor:


Caroline Blaum Osagie Ebekozien