Full Name
Sarah Corathers, MD
Job Title
Clinical Director for the Division of Endocrinology
Organization Name
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Speaker Bio
Dr. Corathers is a pediatric and adult endocrinologist, with advanced training in quality improvement (QI) methods. The intersection of her research and clinical interests includes psychosocial aspects of diabetes management, mechanisms to promote successful transition between adult and pediatric health care systems, and health system-based interventions to improve care delivery and equitable outcomes. At Cincinnati Children’s, Dr. Corathers serves as the Associate Chief of Staff for ambulatory subspecialities, Clinical Director for the Division of Endocrinology, and previously directed the Quality Scholars Program in the James M. Anderson Center for Health Systems Excellence. Nationally, Dr. Corathers serves as a faculty leader for the Type 1 Diabetes Exchange Learning Collaborative (T1DX-QI), which is a network of over 60 diabetes centers throughout the United States. Dr. Corathers is a site liaison the international diabetes registry, SWEET, and a past member of the SWEET Data, Presentation, and Publications committee. Research collaborations include funded projects to enhance ambulatory safety, diabetes self-management support, and use of patient reported outcomes to inform productive clinical interactions.
Sarah Corathers, MD