Full Name
Rachel Harrington, Ph.D
Job Title
Assistant Vice President, Health Equity
Speaking At
Concurrent Session: Current and Future State of Collecting, Managing and Sharing Data to Improve Equitable Care
NCQA Tools and Tips for Your Equity Journey in Practice–Gearing Up
NCQA Tools and Tips for Your Equity Journey in Practice—The Work Begins
NCQA Tools and Tips for Your Equity Journey in Practice–Gearing Up
NCQA Tools and Tips for Your Equity Journey in Practice—The Work Begins
Organization Name
Speaker Bio
Rachel Harrington, PhD, is a Senior Research Scientist at NCQA, where she leads organizational efforts to build an evidence base to advance equitable, high-quality health care. She directs the Equity in HEDIS program and research on approaches to measuring health equity, including data considerations and methods to evaluate disparities in quality performance. Before joining NCQA, she was a fellow at the University of Illinois at Chicago Institute for Health Research and Policy.