The forum fosters cross-sector collaboration and engages health plans, providers and community organizations to address quality at a systemic level. It is a space for partnerships that can lead to measurable quality improvement.
Insights and Strategies
Explore integrated sessions on virtual care access, rural health, maternal and birth outcomes, quality care for populations with disabilities and more.
Hands-on training in NCQA’s Health Equity Accreditation and Virtual Care Accreditation programs, providing practical tools and frameworks to drive immediate change in your organizations.
What are the systemic barriers or “fences” to achieving equitable access to health care? We’ll focus on actionable solutions that go beyond identifying the problems and discuss strategies to create meaningful improvements including:
- identifying our common ground in health care and with achieving health equity
- identifying the intersection of Equity, Public Health and Community
Practical examples across priority areas: disability, maternal health, veterans and rural/telehealth. Speakers will cover:
- How is your work addressing an inequity or injustice?
- What population, community and/or policy is the focus of your work?
- How are patients or communities engaged in your work?
Level 101: Collecting the data
- Basics of data collection: how do you obtain it?
- What types of data should you be collecting (i.e. standardized)?
- Can agencies utilize partner organizations in data collection? What are the partnership strategies?
- Identify the cost of data collection. How can that barrier be overcome for small organizations?
What do you do with it?
- Analysis: e.g. What is the data telling you about access to care?
- How are states putting the data into practice?
Level 201: Interoperability
- How to share the data?
- How do you share your data in real time, efficiently?
Understand how NCQA is modernizing its programs to track the evolving landscape and maintain its focus on organizations which need to address disparities in their communities.
Expanding virtual care access impacted by provider shortages and improving patient experience .
Leveraging telehealth technologies to connect rural communities to essential services without the need for travel.
Bridging the digital divide to advance virtual care
- Strategies to expand connectivity
- Successful cases studies
- Using patient data to assess the existence of disparities
- Quality improvement efforts to improve the provision of culturally and linguistically appropriate services