Quality care is equitable care, and there can be no quality without equity. We must build health equity into all our offerings; if we don’t, inequity gaps will increase and bias in health care will continue.
Health equity is a team sport. It requires partners across the health continuum, including public officials and private partnerships, to advance.
Why Attend
Day 1
An in-depth forum with industry leaders on how they are advancing health equity strategies at the system level, the provider level and the hospital level.
Day 2
Learn the process of NCQA Health Equity Accreditation and how it can help elevate health equity across your organization.
Providers: This is an opportunity to see the system of Health Equity at the policy and health plan level and understand some of the complexities around measurement.
Health plans: Hear from health care delivery on the front lines on some of the implications of measuring, individualized care vs. population care.
Community Based Organizations (CBO): Explore opportunities to partner with health care delivery and health plans to elevate your work in the communities you serve.
Solution providers: Learn about the health equity issues in health care, and where you can provide solutions, guidance and expertise to address them.